
Unit Goals: 
  • Analyze how literature exhibits many tendencies rather than a single set of characteristics.
  • Explain how literary elements contribute to meaning and author intention.
  • Explain how literary and artistic forms reflect the writers’ and artists’ philosophical views.
  • Examine the literary, social, and religious satire 
  • Explain the role of the framed narrative 
  • Compare works of medieval literature and art, particularly their depiction of character and their focus on the otherworldly.
Beowulf Resources:
Beowulf Infographic
Teacher websites
Beowulf Summary video
Story of Beowulf summary video
Beowulf “Thug Notes” also a YouTube review, but I won’t link it due to language
Beowulf Retelling with the Children in mind: audio
Ten videos to help understand Beowulf
Character Map 
King Arthur
History the Legend and Everything in Between 
The Legend 
Canterbury Tales Resources:
The Canterbury Tales in Modern English 
Side by Side version 1 text (use for prologue activity)
Side by side version 2 text
Prologue Summary and Analysis – Video 
The Knight’s Tale – Video
The Nun Priest’s Tale – Video