Class Information



Henry County High School

Ms. Vaught



Course Goal

English IV: is designed to prepare students for the writing they will have to do in other classes, as well as, other possible writing ventures, such as, writing in the workplace.  The course focuses on business writing, persuasive writing, expository writing, and personal writing.


The lessons are based on the reading, conversation, revision, editing, and proofreading in order to produce strong, clear, and interesting work.  Students learn how to understand and think critically about the ideas and language of others and how to develop and articulate their own ideas about what they have read and heard.


Course Requirements

Attendance and Participation

Attendance is based on the school requirements.  You must meet the school requirements in order to earn credit. Students who work hard in class, listen to other students, and ask questions consistently earn the opportunity for better grades than students who do not.


Academic Integrity and Accountability

You are fully responsible for all written and oral assignments, instructions, and information presented in class, whether you are present or not.  If you are unable to attend school, and a long term assignment is due it must be submitted before 8 am on the day it is due.  When you are absent or unsure about an assignment, consult the teacher or another (reliable) student for information.

All work must be yours, plagiarism holds serious consequences, any plagiarized paper will be scored as a 0 (zero), this includes papers that are partially “borrowed” from alternative sources including friends and colleagues.  You are fully responsible for maintaining academic integrity.


Reading and Writing

You will have multiple writing assignments in this class, some short and some long.  For each you will have several homework assignments and at least one rough draft.  To be assured of passing the class, you must complete all assignments.  The rough drafts and final drafts must be typed.   Late work is unacceptable, but in the event it happens once the teacher has discretion as to its value.


Discussion Questions on paper.

Often these discussions sessions will help you begin and revise your papers. You will frequently be asked to write in response to these questions.  These responses will be typed, 12 point font, and double-spaced.  Often we will spend time in class reading and revising these.


Revision Workshops

Opportunities will be given to comment on your own and other students’ papers both in class and at home.  These comments are part of the writing process and will be graded.


Class Format

This is an interactive, hands-on, and lecture class.  You will read and write in class every week.  Student papers are an important text in the class.  You will be asked to read other students’ papers and to invite other students to read yours.


Format for Written Work

All papers and rough drafts must meet a minimum requirement (which will be determined by assignment), must be typed, double spaced (unless format requires alternative, and must meet all MLA writing standards (If you are unsure of MLA writing standards look it up).  Please include a MLA heading and the assignment (paper #3, first draft, for example).


All text will be online via Livebinder, Google Classroom, and many texts are easily found through an internet search.