CTE Fair


As graduation nears, students have experienced a variety of “I wish I would have known” thoughts and regrets. To try to help the incoming freshman class avoid these feelings, seniors are going to help host a “CTE Fair.”


You will be assigned to groups based partially on your own preference and your scores in a particular pathway. The goal of the “CTE Fair” is to help you develop the ability to collaborate, present, and have a positive impact on your community.


Doing this fair project will be like a real world job assignment. All of your group may not be in your class period. You will be using skills you have learned throughout Life 101 and other classes to create a variety of products. This project will rely heavily on you utilizing the Google Apps for collaboration and publication of the necessary components.

Project components

Item Requirements Points
  • Pathway description
  • Potential careers and salaries
  • Required classes and description
  • Special requirements (outside hours, state tests, special equipment, etc.)
  • Skills that you learn that you can use even if you DON’T pursue a career in this field
Table setup
  • Table presentation should be inviting, neat, and related to the pathway.
  • Table should be covered
Visual Presentation
  • Slideshow or video presentation (does NOT require anyone to explain any parts, the video/picture should play on a loop)
  • Anticipate general questions
  • Break information into quick snippets so students can understand
  • Work samples from class
  • Required equipment/supplies
  • Uniforms
  • What is something beyond the brochure that the students can take with them that will help them want to explore this career farther?
  • Each group will be responsible for creating a wordpress site about this pathway. This information is to help parents get an inside look into these pathways as well


Documentation will be a major portion of your grade due to the challenges of working with multiple people in different classes.


Groups will need to:

  • Create a group folder to share with all members
  • Make a daily progress document to stay in this folder
  • Inside the group folder make folders for pictures, work samples, presentations, and communication.
  • Groups will be large. It will be necessary to assign roles, jobs, and duties to each member and to clearly define these roles and responsibilities.